Every Sunday afternoon Joe Donaghey, the head of the IGA Music Program, travels to Flowers Cove to teach adult guitar lessons at the Youth Center. Talent throughout the group varies from a beginner level to seasoned players. Over the next few weeks Joe will be working with everyone individually on chord changes and rhythms, as well as teaching a little music theory. Once everyone has, or is closer to, the same level of skill, the participants will begin to learn a few songs to be played as a group. A performance will be planned for this summer and another one during the Christmas season.

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Every Tuesday Joe returns to Flowers Cove to work with youth at the center, teaching guitar lessons. Along with the adults, the youth will be working towards a summer and Christmas performance. They will be working in groups of 2-3 in order for them to learn how to play within a group.


In addition to learning chords and strumming patterns, some core concepts such as proper posture, right hand and left hand technique, how to eliminate unnecessary muscle tension and stress, and efficient movements will be taught. These lessons will lay a solid foundation for continued learning of the craft. Joe is excited to pass this knowledge onto his students, so they in turn can pass it on to other eager musicians in the area.

In addition to this, Joe accompanied Kyleigh Brisson in concert on June 17th! The concert was held at the Gateway to Labrador Visitor Centre in L’anse au Clair and was the first of the season.

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