The Nukum Munik Womens’ Shelter opens its doors to many vulnerable women with babies and/or small children. Regular power outages in Sheshatshiu (occasionally more than 10 hours at a time) mean that the center is sometimes unable to provide essential heating or prepare warm food.

With the help of $29,000 in funding from the IGA, the Nukum Munik Womens’ Shelter is now the only building in the community to have a protected generator and be able to continue functioning when the power cuts out.

This enables to shelter to continue its amazing work of helping women rebuild their lives and return to the community with the confidence and strength.

“The IGA has not only helped the center to look after those it’s directly responsible for, but to also welcome elders from the wider community and those who are sick or who are reliant on oxygen tanks.”

– Ms. Esmeralda Pillay, Manager, Nukum Munik Womens’ Shelter

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The generator is protected by a small ventilated shed